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Cover of The Real Deal by Paritosh Uttam

Cover of Dreams in Prussian Blue by Paritosh Uttam

Selected by the Guardian’s Review team and a panel of expert judges, the Guardian Top 1000 list (998 novels actually that everyone must read) includes only novels—no memoirs, no short stories, no long poems—from any decade and in any language.

Reading score: 334/998

† I have read it.

No.   TitleAuthor
1Lucky Jim Kingsley Amis
2Money Martin Amis
3The InformationMartin Amis
4The Bottle Factory OutingBeryl Bainbridge
5According to QueeneyBeryl Bainbridge
6Flaubert’s Parrot Julian Barnes
7A History of the World in 10 1/2 ChaptersJulian Barnes
8Augustus Carp, Esq. by Himself:
Being the Autobiography of a Really Good Man
Henry Howarth Bashford
9MolloySamuel Beckett
10Zuleika Dobson Max Beerbohm
11The Adventures of Augie March Saul Bellow
12The Uncommon ReaderAlan Bennett
13Queen LuciaEF Benson
14The Ascent of Rum DoodleWE Bowman
15A Good Man in Africa William Boyd
16The History ManMalcolm Bradbury
17No Bed for BaconCaryl Brahms and SJ Simon
18IllywhackerPeter Carey
19A Season in SinjiJL Carr
20The Harpole ReportJL Carr
21The Hearing TrumpetLeonora Carrington
22Mister JohnsonJoyce Cary
23The Horse’s MouthJoyce Cary
24Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes
25The Case of the Gilded FlyEdmund Crispin
26Just WilliamRichmal Crompton
27The Provincial LadyEM Delafield
28Slouching Towards KalamazooPeter De Vries
29The Pickwick Papers Charles Dickens
30Martin ChuzzlewitCharles Dickens
31Jacques the Fatalist and his MasterDenis Diderot
32A Fairy Tale of New YorkJP Donleavy
33The CommitmentsRoddy Doyle
34EnnuiMaria Edgeworth
35CheeseWillem Elsschot
36Bridget Jones’s DiaryHelen Fielding
37Joseph AndrewsHenry Fielding
38Tom Jones Henry Fielding
39CapriceRonald Firbank
40Bouvard et PécuchetGustave Flaubert
41Towards the End of the MorningMichael Frayn
42The PolygotsWilliam Gerhardie
43Cold Comfort FarmStella Gibbons
44Dead Souls Nikolai Gogol
45Oblomov Ivan Goncharov
46The Wind in the Willows Kenneth Grahame
47Brewster’s MillionsRichard Greaves (George Barr McCutcheon)
48Squire Haggard’s JournalMichael Green
49Our Man in Havana Graham Greene
50Travels with My AuntGraham Greene
51Diary of a Nobody George Grossmith
52The Little World of Don CamilloGiovanni Guareschi
53The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time Mark Haddon
54Catch-22 Joseph Heller
55Mr Blandings Builds His Dream HouseEric Hodgkins
56High FidelityNick Hornby
57I Served the King of EnglandBohumil Hrabal
58The Lecturer’s TaleJames Hynes
59Mr Norris Changes Trains Christopher Isherwood
60The Mighty Walzer HowardJacobson
61Pictures from an InstitutionRandall Jarrell
62Three Men in a Boat Jerome K Jerome
63Finnegans WakeJames Joyce
64The Castle Franz Kafka
65Lake Wobegon DaysGarrison Keillor
66Death and the PenguinAndrey Kurkov
67The Debt to PleasureJohn Lanchester
68L’Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane (Gil Blas)Alain-René Lesage
69Changing PlacesDavid Lodge
70Nice WorkDavid Lodge
71The Towers of TrebizondRose Macaulay
72England, Their EnglandAG Macdonell
73Whisky GaloreCompton Mackenzie
74Memoirs of a Gnostic DwarfDavid Madsen
75Cakes and Ale W Somerset Maugham
76Tales of the CityArmistead Maupin
77Bright Lights, Big City Jay McInerney
78PuckoonSpike Milligan
79The Restraint of BeastsMagnus Mills
80CharadeJohn Mortimer
81Titmuss RegainedJohn Mortimer
82Under the Net Iris Murdoch
83Pnin Vladimir Nabokov
84Pale Fire Vladimir Nabokov
85FirefliesShiva Naipaul
86The Sacred Book of the WerewolfVictor Pelevin
87La DisparitionGeorges Perec
88Les RevenentesGeorges Perec
89La Vie Mode d’EmploiGeorges Perec
90My Search for Warren Harding Robert Plunket
91A Dance to the Music of Time Anthony Powell
92A Time to be BornDawn Powell
93Excellent WomenBarbara Pym
94Less Than AngelsBarbara Pym
95Zazie in the MetroRaymond Queneau
96Solomon Gursky Was HereMordecai Richler
97Alms for OblivionSimon Raven
98Portnoy’s Complaint Philip Roth
99The Westminster Alice Saki
100The Unbearable Bassington Saki
101Hurrah for St Trinian’sRonald Searle
102Great ApesWill Self
103Porterhouse Blue Tom Sharpe
104Blott on the LandscapeTom Sharpe
105Office PoliticsWilfrid Sheed
106Belles Lettres Papers: A NovelCharles Simmons
107MooJane Smiley
108Topper Takes a Trip Thorne Smith
109The Adventures of Ferdinand Count FathomTobias Smollett
110The Adventures of Roderick RandomTobias Smollett
111The Adventures of Peregrine PickleTobias Smollett
112The Expedition of Humphry ClinkerTobias Smollett
113The Prime of Miss Jean BrodieMuriel Spark
114The Girls of Slender Means Muriel Spark
115The Driver’s SeatMuriel Spark
116Loitering with IntentMuriel Spark
117A Far Cry from KensingtonMuriel Spark
118The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman Laurence Sterne
119White Man FallingMike Stocks
120Handley CrossRS Surtees
121A Tale of a TubJonathan Swift
122PenrodBooth Tarkington
123The Luck of Barry LyndonWilliam Makepeace Thackeray
124Before LunchAngela Thirkell
125Tropic of RuislipLeslie Thomas
126A Confederacy of DuncesJohn Kennedy Toole
127Barchester TowersAnthony Trollope
128Venus on the Half-ShellKilgore Trout
129The Mysterious StrangerMark Twain
130The Witches of EastwickJohn Updike
131Breakfast of ChampionsKurt Vonnegut
132Infinite Jest David Foster Wallace
133Decline and Fall Evelyn Waugh
134Vile BodiesEvelyn Waugh
135Black MischiefEvelyn Waugh
136Scoop Evelyn Waugh
137The Loved OneEvelyn Waugh
138A Handful of Dust Evelyn Waugh
139The Life and Loves of a She-DevilFay Weldon
140Tono BungayHG Wells
141MolesworthGeoffrey Willans and Ronald Searle
142The Wimbledon PoisonerNigel Williams
143Anglo-Saxon Attitudes Angus Wilson
144Something Fresh PG Wodehouse
145Piccadilly Jim PG Wodehouse
146Thank You JeevesPG Wodehouse
147Heavy Weather PG Wodehouse
148The Code of the Woosters PG Wodehouse
149Joy in the MorningPG Wodehouse
150The Man with the Golden ArmNelson Algren
151FantomasMarcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre
152The Mask of DimitriosEric Ambler
153Epitaph for a SpyEric Ambler
154Journey into FearEric Ambler
155The New York TrilogyPaul Auster
156Trent’s Last CaseEC Bentley
157The Poisoned Chocolates Case Anthony Berkeley
158The Beast Must DieNicholas Blake
159Lady Audley’s SecretMary E Braddon
160The Neon RainJames Lee Burke
161The Tin Roof BlowdownJames Lee Burke
162The Thirty-Nine StepsJohn Buchan
163GreenmantleJohn Buchan
164The Asphalt JungleWR Burnett
165The Postman Always Rings Twice James M Cain
166Double IndemnityJames M Cain
167True History of the Ned Kelly Gang Peter Carey
168The Hollow ManJohn Dickson Carr
169The Big Sleep Raymond Chandler
170The Long Goodbye Raymond Chandler
171No Orchids for Miss BlandishJames Hadley Chase
172The Riddle of the SandsErskine Childers
173And Then There Were NoneAgatha Christie
174The Mysterious Affair at StylesAgatha Christie
175The Murder of Roger AckroydAgatha Christie
176The Murder at the VicarageAgatha Christie
177The Secret Adversary Agatha Christie
178The Woman in WhiteWilkie Collins
179The MoonstoneWilkie Collins
180A Study in Scarlet Arthur Conan Doyle
181The Hound of the Baskervilles Arthur Conan Doyle
182The Sign of Four Arthur Conan Doyle
183The Manchurian CandidateRichard Condon
184The Secret Agent Joseph Conrad
185Under Western EyesJoseph Conrad
186PostmortemPatricia Cornwell
187The Andromeda StrainMichael Crichton
188Jurassic ParkMichael Crichton
189Poetic JusticeAmanda Cross
190The Ipcress FileLen Deighton
191Last Seen WearingColin Dexter
192The Remorseful DayColin Dexter
193RatkingMichael Dibdin
194Dead LagoonMichael Dibdin
195Dirty Tricks Michael Dibdin
196A Rich Full DeathMichael Dibdin
197VendettaMichael Dibdin
198Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky
199An American Tragedy Theodore Dreiser
200My Cousin Rachel Daphne du Maurier
201The Count of Monte CristoAlexandre Dumas
202The PledgeFriedrich Durrenmatt
203The Crime of Father AmadoJosé Maria de Eça de Queiroz
204The Name of the Rose Umberto Eco
205American Psycho Bret Easton Ellis
206LA ConfidentialJames Ellroy
207The Big NowhereJames Ellroy
208A Quiet Belief in AngelsRJ Ellory
209SanctuaryWilliam Faulkner
210Casino RoyaleIan Fleming
211GoldfingerIan Fleming
212You Only Live TwiceIan Fleming
213The Day of the Jackal Frederick Forsyth
214Brighton Rock Graham Greene
215A Gun for SaleGraham Greene
216The Ministry of FearGraham Greene
217The Third ManGraham Greene
218A Time to KillJohn Grisham
219The King of TortsJohn Grisham
220Hangover SquarePatrick Hamilton
221The Glass KeyDashiell Hammett
222The Maltese Falcon Dashiell Hammett
223Red Harvest Dashiell Hammett
224The Thin Man Dashiell Hammett
225FatherlandRobert Harris
226Black SundayThomas Harris
227Red Dragon Thomas Harris
228Tourist SeasonCarl Hiaasen
229The Friends of Eddie CoyleGeorge V Higgins
230Strangers on a TrainPatricia Highsmith
231The Talented Mr Ripley Patricia Highsmith
232Bones and SilenceReginald Hill
233A Rage in HarlemChester Himes
234Miss Smilla’s Feeling for Snow Peter Hoeg
235Rogue MaleGeoffrey Household
236Malice AforethoughtFrancis Iles
237Silence of the GraveArnadur Indridason
238Death at the President’s LodgingMichael Innes
239Cover Her FacePD James
240A Taste for DeathPD James
241Friday the Rabbi Slept LateHarry Kemelman
242Misery Stephen King
243Dolores ClaiborneStephen King
244KimRudyard Kipling
245The Constant GardenerJohn le Carre
246Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, SpyJohn le Carre
247The Spy Who Came in from the Cold John le Carre
248To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee
24952 Pick-upElmore Leonard
250Get Shorty Elmore Leonard
251Motherless BrooklynJonathan Lethem
252The Bourne Identity Robert Ludlum
253Cop HaterEd McBain
254No Country for Old MenCormac McCarthy
255Enduring LoveIan McEwan
256SidetrackedHenning Mankell
257Devil in a Blue Dress Walter Mosley
258The Great ImpersonationE Phillips Oppenheim
259The Strange Borders of Palace CrescentE Phillips Oppenheim
260My Name is Red Orhan Pamuk
261Toxic ShockSara Paretsky
262BlacklistSara Paretsky
263Nineteen Seventy FourDavid Peace
264Nineteen Seventy SevenDavid Peace
265The Big BlowdownGeorge Pelecanos
266Hard RevolutionGeorge Pelecanos
267Lush LifeRichard Price
268The Godfather Mario Puzo
269VThomas Pynchon
270The Crying of Lot 49 Thomas Pynchon
271Black and BlueIan Rankin
272The Hanging GardensIan Rankin
273Exit MusicIan Rankin
274Judgment in StoneRuth Rendell
275Live FleshRuth Rendell
276DissolutionCJ Sansom
277Whose Body?Dorothy L Sayers
278Murder Must AdvertiseDorothy L Sayers
279The Madman of BergeracGeorges Simenon
280The Blue RoomGeorges Simenon
281The Laughing PolicemanMaj Sjowall and Per Wahloo
282Gorky ParkMartin Cruz Smith
283Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck
284The League of Frightened MenRex Stout
285PerfumePatrick Suskind
286The Secret HistoryDonna Tartt
287The Daughter of TimeJosephine Tey
288The GetawayJim Thompson
289Pudd’nhead WilsonMark Twain
290A Dark-Adapted Eye Barbara Vine
291A Fatal inversionBarbara Vine
292King Solomon’s CarpetBarbara Vine
293The Four Just MenEdgar Wallace
294FingersmithSarah Waters
295Native Son Richard Wright
296Therese RaquinEmile Zola
297The Face of AnotherKobo Abe
298Little WomenLouisa May Alcott
299Behind the Scenes at the Museum Kate Atkinson
300Cat’s EyeMargaret Atwood
301EpilepticDavid B
302Room TemperatureNicholson Baker
303Eugenie Grandet Honore de Balzac
304Le Pere Goriot Honore de Balzac
305The Crow RoadIain Banks
306The L Shaped RoomLynne Reid Banks
307Fun HomeAlison Bechdel
308Malone DiesSamuel Beckett
309A LegacySybille Bedford
310Herzog Saul Bellow
311Humboldt’s Gift Saul Bellow
312The Old Wives’ Tale Arnold Bennett
313G John Berger
314ExtinctionThomas Bernhard
315Two Serious LadiesJane Bowles
316Any Human HeartWilliam Boyd
317The Death of VirgilHermann Broch
318EvelinaFanny Burney
319The Way of All Flesh Samuel Butler
320The Sound of my VoiceRon Butlin
321The OutsiderAlbert Camus
322Wise ChildrenAngela Carter
323The Professor’s HouseWilla Cather
324The Wapshot Chronicle John Cheever
325The Awakening Kate Chopin
326Les Enfants TerribleJean Cocteau
327The VagabondSidonie-Gabrielle Colette
328Manservant and MaidservantIvy Compton-Burnett
329Being Dead Jim Crace
330QuarantineJim Crace
331The MandarinsSimone de Beauvoir
332RoxanaDaniel Defoe
333Great ExpectationsCharles Dickens
334The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoevsky
335My New York DiaryJulie Doucet
336The Millstone Margaret Drabble
337My Family and Other AnimalsGerald Durrell
338SilenceShusaku Endo
339The GatheringAnne Enright
340MiddlesexJeffrey Eugenides
341As I Lay Dying William Faulkner
342The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner
343The Sportswriter Richard Ford
344Howards End EM Forster
345Spies Michael Frayn
346Hideous KinkyEsther Freud
347The Man of PropertyJohn Galsworthy
348Mary Barton Elizabeth Gaskell
349The ImmoralistAndre Gide
350The Vatican CellarsAndre Gide
351The Vicar of Wakefield Oliver Goldsmith
352The Power and the Glory Graham Greene
353HungerKnut Hamsun
354The Shrimp and the AnemoneLP Hartley
355The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway
356SteppenwolfHerman Hesse
357Narziss and GoldmundHermann Hesse
358The Three ParadoxesPaul Hornschemeier
359Tom Brown’s Schooldays Thomas Hughes
360A Prayer for Owen MeanyJohn Irving
361The Ambassadors Henry James
362Washington SquareHenry James
363The Tortoise and the HareElizabeth Jenkins
364The UnfortunatesBS Johnson
365A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce
366Ulysses James Joyce
367Good BehaviourMolly Keane
368Memet my HawkYasar Kemal
369One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Ken Kesey
370The Buddha of SuburbiaHanif Kureishi
371Sons and Lovers DH Lawrence
372Cider with RosieLaurie Lee
373Invitation to the WaltzRosamond Lehmann
374The Golden Notebook Doris Lessing
375How Green was My ValleyRichard Llewellyn
376Martin EdenJack London
377Under the Volcano Malcolm Lowry
378The Member of the WeddingCarson McCullers
379Palace WalkNaguib Mahfouz
380The Assistant Bernard Malamud
381Buddenbrooks Thomas Mann
382The ChateauWilliam Maxwell
383The Rector’s DaughterFM Mayor
384The Ordeal of Richard FeverekGeorge Meredith
385Family Matters Rohinton Mistry
386Sour SweetTimothy Mo
387The Lonely Passion of Judith HearneBrian Moore
388The Bluest EyeToni Morrison
389Song of Solomon Toni Morrison
390Who Do You Think You Are? Alice Munro
391The Black Prince Iris Murdoch
392The Man Without Qualities Robert Musil
393A House for Mr Biswas VS Naipaul
394At-Swim-Two-Birds Flann O’Brien
395Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness Kezaburo Oe
396The Moviegoer Walker Percy
397The Bell Jar Sylvia Plath
398My Name Is Asher Lev Chaim Potok
399The Good Companions JB Priestley
400The Shipping News E Annie Proulx
401Remembrance of Things Past Marcel Proust
402A Married Man Piers Paul Read
403Pointed Roofs Dorothy Richardson
404The Fortunes of Richard Mahoney Henry Handel Richardson
405Call it Sleep Henry Roth
406Julie, ou la Nouvelle HeloiseJean-Jacques Rousseau
407The God of Small Things Arundhati Roy
408The Catcher in the Rye JD Salinger
409Alberta and JacobCora Sandel
410A Suitable Boy Vikram Seth
411UnlessCarol Shields
412We Need to Talk About KevinLionel Shriver
413The Three SistersMay Sinclair
414The Family Moskat or The Manor or The EstateIsaac Bashevis Singer
415A Thousand Acres Jane Smiley
416On BeautyZadie Smith
417The Man Who Loved Children Christina Stead
418East of Eden John Steinbeck
419Ballet ShoesNoel Streatfield
420Confessions of ZenoItalo Svevo
421The Magnificent Ambersons Booth Tarkington
422Angel Elizabeth Taylor
423Lark Rise to CandlefordFlora Thompson
424The Blackwater LightshipColm Toibin
425The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4Sue Townsend
426Death in Summer William Trevor
427Fathers and Sons Ivan Turgenev
428Peace in War Miguel de Unamuno
429The Rabbit OmnibusJohn Updike
430The Color Purple Alice Walker
431Jimmy Corrigan, The Smarest Kid on EarthChris Ware
432Morvern CallarAlan Warner
433The History of Mr Polly HG Wells
434The Fountain Overflows Rebecca West
435Frost in MayAntonia White
436The Tree of ManPatrick White
437The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde
438Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Jeanette Winterson
439I’ll Go to Bed at Noon Gerard Woodward
440To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf
441Mrs Dalloway Virginia Woolf
442Swiss Family Robinson Johann David Wyss
443Le Grand MeaulnesHenri Alain-Fournier
444Dom Casmurro JoaquimMaria Machado de Assis
445Northanger Abbey Jane Austen
446Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen
447Pride and PrejudiceJane Austen
448Mansfield Park Jane Austen
449Emma Jane Austen
450Persuasion Jane Austen
451Giovanni’s RoomJames Baldwin
452NightwoodDjuna Barnes
453The Garden of the Finzi-CortinisGiorgio Bassani
454Love for LydiaHE Bates
455More Die of HeartbreakSaul Bellow
456Lorna DooneRD Blackmore
457The Death of the Heart Elizabeth Bowen
458The Heat of the DayElizabeth Bowen
459Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte
460ViletteCharlotte Bronte
461Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte
462Look At MeAnita Brookner
463Rubyfruit JungleRita Mae Brown
464Possession AS Byatt
465Breakfast at Tiffany’s Truman Capote
466Oscar and Lucinda Peter Carey
467A Month in the CountryJL Carr
468My Antonia Willa Cather
469A Lost LadyWilla Cather
470Claudine a l’ecoleSidonie-Gabrielle Colette
471CheriSidonie-Gabrielle Collette
472Victory: An Island TaleJoseph Conrad
473The Princess of ClevesMadame de Lafayette
474The ParasitesDaphne du Maurier
475Rebecca Daphne du Maurier
476The LoverMarguerite Duras
477Adam Bede George Eliot
478Daniel DerondaGeorge Eliot
479The Mill on the Floss George Eliot
480The Virgin Suicides Jeffrey Eugenides
481The Great Gatsby F Scott Fitzgerald
482Tender is the Night F Scott Fitzgerald
483The Blue FlowerPenelope Fitzgerald
484Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert
485The Good Soldier Ford Madox Ford
486A Room with a View EM Forster
487The French Lieutenant’s Woman John Fowles
488The Snow GoosePaul Gallico
489RuthElizabeth Gaskell
490Strait is the GateAndre Gide
491Sunset SongLewis Grassic Gibbon
492The Sorrows of Young WertherJohann Wolfgang Goethe
493LivingHenry Green
494The End of the Affair Graham Greene
495The Well of LonelinessRadclyffe Hall
496Far From the Madding Crowd Thomas Hardy
497Jude the Obscure Thomas Hardy
498Tess of the D’Urbervilles Thomas Hardy
499The Woodlanders Thomas Hardy
500The Go-Between LP Hartley
501The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne
502The Transit of VenusShirley Hazzard
503A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway
504The Infamous ArmyGeorgette Heyer
505Regency BuckGeorgette Heyer
506The Swimming-Pool LibraryAlan Hollinghurst
507Green Mansions: A Romance of the Tropical ForestWH Hudson
508Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurston
509Crome Yellow Aldous Huxley
510The Remains of the Day Kazuo Ishiguro
511Portrait of a Lady Henry James
512The Wings of the Dove Henry James
513The Piano TeacherElfriede Jelinek
514Beauty and SaddnessYasunari Kawabata
515The Far PavillionsMary Margaret Kaye
516Zorba the Greek Nikos Kazantzakis
517Moon over AfricaPamela Kent
518The Book of Laughter and ForgettingMilan Kundera
519The Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan Kundera
520Les Liaisons DangereusesPierre-Ambroise-Francois Choderlos de Laclos
521Lady Chatterley’s Lover DH Lawrence
522The Rainbow DH Lawrence
523Women in Love DH Lawrence
524The Echoing Grove Rosamond Lehmann
525The Weather in the StreetsRosamond Lehmann
526Gentlemen Prefer BlondesAnita Loos
527ZamiAudre Lorde
528Foreign AffairsAlison Lurie
529SamarkandAmin Maalouf
530Death in Venice Thomas Mann
531The Silent Duchess Dacia Maraini
532A Heart So WhiteJavier Marias
533Love in the Time of Cholera Gabriel Garcia Marquez
534Of Human Bondage Somerset Maugham
535So Long, See you TomorrowWilliam Maxwell
536The Heart is a Lonely Hunter Carson McCullers
537Atonement Ian McEwan
538The Child in TimeIan McEwan
539The EgoistGeorge Meredith
540Tropic of Cancer Henry Miller
541Patience and SarahIsabel Miller
542Gone With the Wind Margaret Mitchell
543The Pursuit of Love Nancy Mitford
544Love in a Cold ClimateNancy Mitford
545Arturo’s IslandElsa Morante
546Norwegian WoodHaruki Murakami
547Lolita Vladimir Nabokov
548The Painter of Signs RK Narayan
549Delta of VenusAnais Nin
550All Souls DayCees Nooteboom
551The English Patient Michael Ondaatje
552Doctor Zhivago Boris Pasternak
553Manon LescautAbbe Prevost
554Wide Sargasso Sea Jean Rhys
555Maurice GuestHenry Handel Richardson
556PamelaSamuel Richardson
557ClarissaSamuel Richardson
558GileadMarilynne Robinson
559Bonjour TristesseFrancoise Sagan
560Ali and NinoKurban Said
561Light YearsJames Salter
562A Sport and a PasstimeJames Salter
563The ReaderBenhardq Schlink
564The Reluctant OrphanAara Seale
565Love Story Eric Segal
566Enemies, a Love StoryIsaac Bashevis Singer
567At Grand Central Station I Sat Down and WeptElizabeth Smart
568I Capture the CastleDodie Smith
569The Map of LoveAhdaf Soueif
570Valley of the DollsJacqueline Susann
571WaterlandGraham Swift
572Diary of a Mad Old ManJunichiro Tanizaki
573Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy
574Music and SilenceRose Tremain
575First LoveIvan Turgenev
576Breathing Lessons Anne Tyler
577The Accidental TouristAnne Tyler
578The Night WatchSarah Waters
579The Graduate Charles Webb
580The Age of Innocence Edith Wharton
581The PassionJeanette Winterson
582East LynneEllen Wood
583Revolutionary Road Richard Yates
584The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams
585Non-StopBrian W Aldiss
586Foundation Isaac Asimov
587The Blind Assassin Margaret Atwood
588The Handmaid’s Tale Margaret Atwood
589In the Country of Last ThingsPaul Auster
590The Drowned WorldJG Ballard
591Crash JG Ballard
592Millennium PeopleJG Ballard
593The Wasp Factory Iain Banks
594Consider PhlebasIain M Banks
595WeaveworldClive Barker
596DarkmansNicola Barker
597The Time ShipsStephen Baxter
598Darwin’s RadioGreg Bear
599VathekWilliam Beckford
600The Stars My DestinationAlfred Bester
601Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury
602Lost SoulsPoppy Z Brite
603WielandCharles Brockden Brown
604Rogue MoonAlgis Budrys
605The Master and Margarita Mikhail Bulgakov
606The Coming RaceEGEL Bulwer-Lytton
607A Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess
608The End of the World NewsAnthony Burgess
609A Princess of MarsEdgar Rice Burroughs
610Naked Lunch William Burroughs
611KindredOctavia Butler
612Erewhon Samuel Butler
613The Baron in the TreesItalo Calvino
614The InfluenceRamsey Campbell
615Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll
616Through the Looking Glass
and What Alice Found There
Lewis Carroll
617Nights at the CircusAngela Carter
618The Passion of New EveAngela Carter
619The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and ClayMichael Chabon
620The Man who was ThursdayGK Chesterton
621Childhood’s EndArthur C Clarke
622Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Susanna Clarke
623Hello Summer, GoodbyeMichael G Coney
624Girlfriend in a ComaDouglas Coupland
625House of LeavesMark Danielewski
626Pig TalesMarie Darrieussecq
627The Einstein IntersectionSamuel R Delaney
628Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?Philip K Dick
629The Man in the High CastlePhilip K Dick
630Camp ConcentrationThomas M Disch
631Foucault’s PendulumUmberto Eco
632Under the Skin Michel Faber
633The Magus John Fowles
634American Gods Neil Gaiman
635Red ShiftAlan Garner
636Neuromancer William Gibson
637HerlandCharlotte Perkins Gilman
638Lord of the Flies William Golding
639The Forever WarJoe Haldeman
640LightM John Harrison
641The House of the Seven Gables Nathaniel Hawthorne
642Stranger in a Strange LandRobert A Heinlein
643DuneFrank L Herbert
644The Glass Bead GameHerman Hesse
645Riddley WalkerRussell Hoban
646The Private Memoirs and Confessions
of a Justified Sinner
James Hogg
647AtomisedMichel Houellebecq
648Brave New World Aldous Huxley
649The UnconsoledKazuo Ishiguro
650The Haunting of Hill HouseShirley Jackson
651The Turn of the Screw Henry James
652The Children of MenPD James
653After London; or, Wild EnglandRichard Jefferies
654Bold as LoveGwyneth Jones
655The Trial Franz Kafka
656Flowers for AlgernonDaniel Keyes
657The ShiningStephen King
658The Victorian Chaise-longueMarghanita Laski
659Uncle SilasJoseph Sheridan Le Fanu
660The Earthsea SeriesUrsula Le Guin
661The Left Hand of DarknessUrsula Le Guin
662SolarisStanislaw Lem
663Memoirs of a SurvivorDoris Lessing
664The Chronicles of Narnia CS Lewis
665The MonkMatthew Lewis
666A Voyage to ArcturusDavid Lindsay
667The Night SessionsKen Macleod
668Beyond BlackHilary Mantel
669Only ForwardMichael Marshall Smith
670I Am Legend Richard Matheson
671Melmoth the WandererCharles Maturin
672The Butcher BoyPatrick McCabe
673The Road Cormac McCarthy
674AscentJed Mercurio
675The ScarChina Mieville
676Ingenious PainAndrew Miller
677A Canticle for LeibowitzWalter M Miller Jr
678Cloud AtlasDavid Mitchell
679Mother LondonMichael Moorcock
680News from NowhereWilliam Morris
681Beloved Toni Morrison
682The Wind-Up Bird ChronicleHaruki Murakami
683Ada or Ardor Vladimir Nabokov
684The Time Traveler’s WifeAudrey Niffenegger
685RingworldLarry Niven
686VurtJeff Noon
687The Third PolicemanFlann O’Brien
688The Famished Road Ben Okri
689Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell
690Fight Club Chuck Palahniuk
691Nightmare Abbey Thomas Love Peacock
692Titus GroanMervyn Peake
693The Space MerchantsFrederik Pohl and CM Kornbluth
694A Glastonbury RomanceJohn Cowper Powys
695The Discworld SeriesTerry Pratchett
696The PrestigeChristopher Priest
697His Dark MaterialsPhilip Pullman
698Gargantua and PantagruelFrancois Rabelais
699The Mysteries of UdolphoAnn Radcliffe
700Revelation SpaceAlastair Reynolds
701The Years of Rice and SaltKim Stanley Robinson
702Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone JK Rowling
703Satanic Verses Salman Rushdie
704The Female ManJoanna Russ
705AirGeoff Ryman
706The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery
707BlindnessJose Saramago
708How the Dead LiveWill Self
709Frankenstein Mary Shelley
710HyperionDan Simmons
711Star MakerOlaf Stapledon
712Snow Crash Neal Stephenson
713The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson
714Dracula Bram Stoker
715The InsultRupert Thomson
716The Hobbit JRR Tolkien
717The Lord of the RingsJRR Tolkien
718A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s CourtMark Twain
719Sirens of TitanKurt Vonnegut
720The Castle of OtrantoHorace Walpole
721Institute BenjamentaRobert Walser
722Lolly WillowesSylvia Townsend Warner
723AffinitySarah Waters
724The Time MachineHG Wells
725The War of the WorldsHG Wells
726The Sword in the StoneTH White
727The Old Men at the ZooAngus Wilson
728The Book of the New SunGene Wolfe
729Orlando Virginia Woolf
730Day of the TriffidsJohn Wyndham
731The Midwich CuckoosJohn Wyndham
732WeYevgeny Zamyatin
733Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe
734Anthills of the SavannahChinua Achebe
735London FieldsMartin Amis
736UntouchableMulk Raj Anand
737Go Tell it on the Mountain James Baldwin
738La Comedie HumaineHonore de Balzac
739They Were CountedMiklos Banffy
740A Kind of LovingStan Barstow
741Uncle Tom’s Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe
742Oroonoko, or The Royal SlaveAphra Behn
743ClayhangerArnold Bennett
744The Last SeptemberElizabeth Bowen
745Room at the TopJohn Braine
746A Dry White SeasonAndre Brink
747ShirleyCharlotte Bronte
748Earthly PowersAnthony Burgess
749The Virgin in the GardenAS Byatt
750Tobacco Road Erskine Caldwell
751The PlagueAlbert Camus
752The Kingdom of this WorldAlejo Carpentier
753What a Carve Up!Jonathan Coe
754Disgrace JM Coetzee
755Waiting for the BarbariansJM Coeztee
756MicroserfsDouglas Coupland
757Moll Flanders Daniel Defoe
758UnderworldDon DeLillo
759White Noise Don DeLillo
760A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens
761Bleak HouseCharles Dickens
762Dombey and SonCharles Dickens
763Hard TimesCharles Dickens
764Little DorrittCharles Dickens
765Oliver TwistCharles Dickens
766Play It As It Lays Joan Didion
767Sybil or The Two NationsBenjamin Disraeli
768Berlin AlexanderplatzAlfred Doblin
769The Book of DanielEL Doctorow
770Notes from the Underground Fyodor Dostoevsky
771The Idiot Fyodor Dostoevsky
772USA John Dos Passos
773Sister Carrie Theodor Dreiser
774Castle RackrentMaria Edgeworth
775Middlemarch George Eliot
776Silas Marner George Eliot
777The Invisible Man Ralph Ellison
778Sentimental EducationGustave Flaubert
779Effi BriestTheodore Fontane
780Independence DayRichard Ford
781A Passage to India EM Forster
782The Corrections Jonathan Franzen
783The Recognitions William Gaddis
784CranfordElizabeth Gaskell
785North and SouthElizabeth Gaskell
786The CounterfeitersAndre Gide
787The Odd WomenGeorge Gissing
788New Grub Street George Gissing
789July’s PeopleNadine Gordimer
790Mother Maxim Gorky
791LanarkAlastair Gray
792Love on the DoleWalter Greenwood
793The Mayor of Casterbridge Thomas Hardy
794A Kestrel for a KnaveBarry Hines
795The Line of Beauty Alan Hollinghurst
796South RidingWinifred Holtby
797Les Miserables Victor Hugo
798Goodbye to Berlin Christopher Isherwood
799Chronicle in StoneIsmael Kadare
800How Late it Was, How Late James Kelman
801The LeopardGiuseppi di Lampedusa
802A Girl in WinterPhilip Larkin
803PassingNella Larsen
804The Grass is SingingDoris Lessing
805Babbitt Sinclair Lewis
806Elmer GantrySinclair Lewis
807Main Street Sinclair Lewis
808Absolute BeginnersColin MacInnes
809The GroupMary McCarthy
810Amongst Women John McGahern
811The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras CubasJoaquim Maria Machado de Assis
812Of Love & HungerJulian Maclaren-Ross
813Remembering BabylonDavid Malouf
814The Magic Mountain Thomas Mann
815The BetrothedAlessandro Manzoni
816Bel-AmiGuy de Maupassant
817A Fine BalanceRohinton Mistry
818The Time of IndifferenceAlberto Moravia
819A Bend in the River VS Naipaul
820McTeagueFrank Norris
821PersonalityAndrew O’Hagan
822Animal Farm George Orwell
823The Ragazzi PierPaolo Pasolini
824Cry, the Beloved Country Alan Paton
825The Moon and the BonfireCesare Pavese
826GB84David Peace
827Headlong HallThomas Love Peacock
828Afternoon MenAnthony Powell
829VinelandThomas Pynchon
830The Radetzky MarchJoseph Roth
831American Pastoral Philip Roth
832The Human StainPhilip Roth
833Midnight’s Children Salman Rushdie
834ShameSalman Rushdie
835To Each his OwnLeonardo Sciascia
836Staying On Paul Scott
837Last Exit to Brooklyn Hubert Selby, Jr.
838The Lonely LondonersSamuel Selvon
839God’s Bit of WoodOusmane Sembene
840The Case of Comrade Tulayev Victor Serge
841Richshaw BoyLao She
842Saturday Night and Sunday MorningAlan Sillitoe
843The Jungle Upton Sinclair
844Novel on Yellow PaperStevie Smith
845White Teeth Zadie Smith
846One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovtich Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
847The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck
848The Red and the Black Stendhal
849This Sporting LifeDavid Storey
850The Red RoomAugust Stringberg
851The Home and the WorldRabindranath Tagore
852Vanity Fair William Makepeace Thackeray
853The Ragged Trousered PhilanthropistsRobert Tressell
854The Last Chronicle of BarsetAnthony Trollope
855The Way We Live NowAnthony Trollope
856The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain
857CouplesJohn Updike
858ZVassilis Vassilikos
859Billy LiarKeith Waterhouse
860TrainspottingIrvine Welsh
861The Day of the Locust Nathanael West
862The Return of the Soldier Rebecca West
863The House of Mirth Edith Wharton
864The Bonfire of the Vanities Tom Wolfe
865Germinal Emile Zola
866La Bete Humaine Emile Zola
867Silver Stallion Junghyo Ahn
868Death of a HeroRichard Aldington
869Master Georgie Beryl Bainbridge
870Darkness Falls from the AirNigel Balchin
871Empire of the Sun JG Ballard
872RegenerationPat Barker
873A Long Long WaySebastian Barry
874Fair Stood the Wind for FranceHE Bates
875Carrie’s WarNina Bawden
876The Savage DetectivesRoberto Bolano
877The Sheltering Sky Paul Bowles
878An Ice-Cream WarWilliam Boyd
879When the Wind BlowsRaymond Briggs
880Invisible Cities Italo Calvino
881Auto-da-FeElias Canetti
882One of OursWilla Cather
883Journey to the End of the NightLouis-Ferdinand Celine
884MonkeyWu Ch’eng-en
885Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad
886Lord Jim Joseph Conrad
887Nostromo Joseph Conrad
888Sharpe’s Eagle Bernard Cornwell
889The History of Pompey the LittleFrancis Coventry
890The Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane
891Robinson CrusoeDaniel Defoe
892Bomber Len Deighton
893Deliverance James Dickey
894Three SoldiersJohn Dos Passos
895South Wind Norman Douglas
896The Three MusketeersAlexandre Dumas
897JustineLawrence Durrell
898The Bamboo BedWilliam Eastlake
899The Siege of Krishnapur JG Farrell
900Birdsong Sebastian Faulks
901Parade’s End Ford Madox Ford
902The African Queen C.S. Forester
903The ShipCS Forester
904FlashmanGeorge MacDonald Fraser
905Cold Mountain Charles Frazier
906The BeachAlex Garland
907To The Ends of the Earth trilogyWilliam Golding
908Asterix the GaulRene Goscinny
909The Tin Drum Gunter Grass
910Count BelisariusRobert Graves
911Life and FateVassily Grossman
912De Niro’s GameRawi Hage
913King Solomon’s MinesH Rider Haggard
914She: A History of AdventureH Rider Haggard
915The Slaves of SolitudePatrick Hamilton
916Covenant with DeathJohn Harris
917Enigma Robert Harris
918The Good Soldier Švejk Jaroslav Hašek
919For Whom the Bell Tolls Ernest Hemingway
920The Prisoner of ZendaAnthony Hope
921The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini
922A High Wind in Jamaica Richard Hughes
923RasselasSamuel Johnson
924From Here to Eternity James Jones
925AndersonvilleMacKinlay Kantor
926ConfederatesThomas Keneally
927Schindler’s Ark Thomas Keneally
928DayAL Kennedy
929On the Road Jack Kerouac
930Darkness at Noon Arthur Koestler
931The Painted Bird Jerzy Kosinski
932If Not Now, When?Primo Levi
933The Call of the Wild Jack London
934The Guns of Navarone Alistair MacLean
935All the Pretty Horses Cormac McCarthy
936Blood Meridian Cormac McCarthy
937The Mark of ZorroJohnston McCulley
938Lonesome DoveLarry McMurty
939The Naked and the Dead Norman Mailer
940La Condition HumaineAndre Malraux
941Fortunes of WarOlivia Manning
942One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez
943The Children of the New Forest Frederick Marryat
944Moby-Dick or, The Whale Herman Melville
945Tales of the South PacificJames Michener
946The Cruel SeaNicholas Monsarrat
947HistoryElsa Morante
948Suite FrancaiseIrene Nemirovsky
949The Sorrow of WarBao Ninh
950Master and Commander Patrick O’Brian
951The Things They Carried Tim O’Brien
952The Scarlet Pimpernel Baroness Emmuska Orczy
953Burmese DaysGeorge Orwell
954Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert Pirsig
955The Valley of Bones Anthony Powell
956The Soldier’s Art Anthony Powell
957The Military Philosophers Anthony Powell
958Gravity’s Rainbow Thomas Pynchon
959The Surprising Adventures of Baron MunchausenRudolp Erich Raspe
960All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque
961The Crab with the Golden ClawsGeorges Remi Herge
962Tintin in TibetGeorges Remi Herge
963The Castafiore EmeraldGeorges Remi Herge
964The Devil to Pay in the BacklandsJoao Guimaraes Rosa
965SacaramoucheRafael Sabatini
966Captain BloodRafael Sabatini
967Everything is Illuminated Jonathon Safran Foer
968The HuntersJames Salter
969Ivanhoe Sir Walter Scott
970The Rings of SaturnWG Sebald
971AusterlitzWG Sebald
972Black Beauty Anna Sewell
973The Young LionsIrwin Shaw
974A Town Like Alice Nevil Shute
975MausArt Spiegelman
976The Charterhouse of Parma Stendhal
977CryptonomiconNeil Stephenson
978A Sentimental JourneyLawrence Sterne
979Kidnapped Robert Louis Stevenson
980Treasure IslandRobert Louis Stevenson
981A Flag for SunriseRobert Stone
982Sophie’s Choice William Styron
983Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift
984War and Peace Leo Tolstoy
985The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnMark Twain
986Around the World in Eighty DaysJules Verne
987A Journey to the Centre of the EarthJules Verne
988WilliwawGore Vidal
989Candide Voltaire
990Slaughter-House Five Kurt Vonnegut
991Put Out More Flags Evelyn Waugh
992Men at ArmsEvelyn Waugh
993The Island of Dr MoreauHG Wells
994The Machine-GunnersRobert Westall
995Voss Patrick White
996The VirginianOwen Wister
997The Caine MutinyHerman Wouk
998The DebacleEmile Zola